Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Owner of a Broken Heart

Everyone has a different perspective on marriage and who should get married. I for one have never really thought of getting married or considered it an option. Perhaps it has to do something with my parents splitting up when I was very little. I guess I lost faith in the whole idea of two people spending the rest of their lives together in eternal happiness. Although it sure is a good reason to rake up your credit card bill and for one night life the life of a superstar. Recently this idea of marriage keeps surfacing my thought bank. 

I for one am not so close with my family. It's kind of just how it happened. Having grown up with separated parents at a very young age taught me to be many things: independent, strong and self sufficient. I recently spoke to my older brother who I haven't spoken to in months and months. Sadly the call was to inform me that he and his wife of 2+ years are splitting up. I was in utter shock. I had no idea what to say. What do you say to a person who is going through legal proceedings because his wife has been having an affair. For how long? I have no idea? With whom? I didn't dare ask. Does it matter? An affair is an affair. I feel sorry for the guy. I thought their marriage would restore my hope in the idea of marriage. I guess the truth is that we are all human and all we can do is take each day for what it is. 

It makes me very nervous when I see young people getting married. What's the rush? This generation is going through so much change. Who knows what will happen in the future. Sure, call me cynic but do you need to get married to make it real? Does true love need two rings and an expensive dinner?

Speaking of love, the biggest shock to me was hearing that Arnold Scwarzenneger and his wife Maria Shriver are splitting up after 25 years. Here's a couple I thought that were truly in love. But the reality is as time passes people change and your goals and ambitions change with the passing of time. Who you were and the dreams you had when you were 20 might not align with the person you're with and the ambitions you have as you get older. That's a fact of life. 

In the olden days you would jump over a broom holding your partners hand and ta-dah! You were married. Now days it's just another item on your credit card bill.

If 60% of marriages end in divorce, why get married? 



  1. to be honest, marriage has a paper work that proofs two people are united. however, it consists of the same amount of work, trust, love and energy that it requires in any relationship. i don't think marriage should be the end result. people can be in a life-long partnership without being married.

  2. I think you've go the right idea. Perhaps its insecurity that requires you to have a paper?

  3. Not all couples get married because of insecurity. In my brothers case, they lived together for 17 years and were perfectly happy with that but they decided to get married to be able to provide better legal security for their three kids.
    Anyway, to restore some of your faith in marriage; Arnold and Maria have decided to work on theirs so it´s not quite over just yet.

  4. I totally see your point. In some countries there is also common-law relationships where the state recognizes you as a couple for tax purposes etc.
