Saturday, May 7, 2011

How long is too long - reply

I´m beginning to doubt I´ll ever find someone I can stand being around everyday for years and years and not go crazy. I need my freedom, without it I cannot breathe. A sign the relationship has been going on too long is (based on personal experience) when you mourn the end of it for about a day and then spend the rest of the time constraining yourself from spontaneously bursting into a victory dance shouting "I´m free!!! I´m free!!!!!"

I think sometimes we just cling on to a relationship for the sake of being in a relationship. The sparks are gone but we keep trying to re-ignite them. Romantic trips, date nights, or in worse cases by getting married or having kids. I´ve been told I´m too picky, my expectations are too high and real life isn´t like a romantic movie with the happily ever after. And all these long term couples always have the same chant in common, relationships are hard, you need to work on them, bla bla bla... But what if relationships aren´t supposed to be hard, what if he/she just isn´t the one for you? Maybe the romance is gone because you´re just not that into each other anymore and maybe it´s just time to move on.


1 comment:

  1. I felt the same way years and years ago - that I'll never find someone. Then I started to become comfortable with being single and greatly enjoyed my independence. Since then, I think somehow during that journey, I realized that I can't lose myself when I'm in a relationship. The 24/7 really does not work for me. As long as I have my independence and hopefully a person who understands that and is not a jealous crazy type, I think it's a good way to start. Sometimes, we are not meant to be with other people and that's okay. THere is no shame of walking away from something you don't feel you should be in it in the first place.
