Saturday, May 7, 2011

How long is too long?

When I say how long I'm not referring to his dick size. For some it's of utmost importance. For others it more about girth than width. And for others the perfect size makes all the difference. But that's not what I'm here to write about today. How long should you continue in a dysfunctional relationship before you call it quits? 

It starts off great and you go for weeks with these butterflies that won't seem to go away. But eventually these butterflies fly away. Where do they go? On to the next guy? I was talking to a friend yesterday who ended a 2 month relationship. The sparks were gone. Will they ignite again? It made me wonder how do you keep the fires burning in the relationship or does the fire burn out as you start to discover the itty bitty details of the other person? What made you like this person in the first place? Was it love at first sight or was it lust? Or perhaps it's a bit of both. We all have different dating habits. Some of us like the attention and when the other person doesn't give us the attention we need, we drift away while others like their personal time and need that alone time each week to be sane. So when is the right time to move away? I guess we all have different variables but a good point to start thinking is when you stop missing having the other person around.

With so many men out there, the thought that floats through my mind is 'will we ever find someone that's just right?'. 


1 comment:

  1. LOL, the first two sentences got me laughing hard! I think it's called dating because you're trying to find that person. Now, being in a relationship requires more than just "sparks", in my opinion. I learned that hard way with an old college boyfriend. I knew it was not going to work, but I stayed because we'd been together for almost 5 years. I also felt guilty being the one to break it off. Now that I've had 3 relationships after that (all broken off for very different reasons), I realized that I have to be completely honest with the person I am with and most of all, to be completely honest with myself. A friend of mine just commented on my blog and said, "honesty does not make things easy or pain free, but it does help me from believing false hopes." I think he made a great point. I think we all have to figure out what we can live with when we are with someone, otherwise, we will never be happy.
