Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Life is not a chick flick

Why do they make you want them, just to visciously ignore you and never talk to you again? Why do you always want what you can´t have? What´s with that masochistic side of your soul that just allows you to go completely boycrazy whenever someone gives you a moments attention just to forget all about you in the next. They say all these things, and make you like them, but then have no intention of following through with it. I wasn´t even interested in the first place. Then he was all...sweet and charming and...convincing, and I just gave in, and allowed myself to like him back. I love it when they make a speech, put a little effort into it, really have you going. Because he was the one who came after me, saying he wanted this for months and yet I´m the one sitting home alone obsessing over my silent phone. Do you see that something just doesn´t add up here? Is it just me, do I just not understand the modern way of dating/flirting?

Why do some people have it so easy? It´s like two people just meet, fall madly in love and live happily ever after. I mean what are the odds of that, one person falls in love with another and that other person feels the exact same way back??? It just seems so unlikely and yet it happens. Not in my life of course, I don´t think I´ve ever been in a relationship where both of us has had the exact intensity of emotions at the exact same time. One was always more emotionally attached than the other, more in love. Love, the word has lost all its meaning, it´s been abused one to many times. Do we really know how it feels? Has any of these past feelings in my life really been the L word? Cause if it was than I´m afraid it´s highly overrated. Really, if you´ve never been in love, don´t do it. All it gives you is moments of happiness that goes away faster than you can realize that they´re there and there for appreciate them, then it just turns into frustration, anger, emptiness, loneliness, unanswered phone calls, ignored text messages, oblivious indifference. “Good bye, you meant nothing to me, but let´s stay friends, no need to hate each other. You´re such a nice person!” Oh wow, thank you! Ego boost! I´m nice! Yay!

(Wow, the dwelling on my dating history came faster than I thought, I didn´t even need the wine...)

Have a lovely day dear readers, talk soon again!

Sincerely, "Corazón"

1 comment:

  1. I think it's funny how you mentioned how one person is always more into the other and how it's so hard to find someone who is equally interested in you. I'm still not sure what love is either and sometimes I wonder if movies and television over exaggerate the feeling of love and then other times I wonder if it's because I haven't found 'the one'. I guess the reality is we can live up to the expectations set out by television and we just have to start creating our own rules.

