Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Internet Love

The internet has changed the way we live, shop and do business. It has also changed the way people date. As peoples schedules get more and more busy, they have less and less time to find that special someone. I being one of those people took a hand at online dating only to find a super nice and smart man. We went on a first date two days ago. It started with a coffee and couple hours of conversation and getting to know each other. It was nice and innocent. We ended up spending the afternoon/evening together and had dinner. No I feel slightly obsessed. But I feel like I’m repeating a behaviour the first time I meet someone I like so I’m trying to change that behaviour this time around but it’s hard. How do you tell your heart to stop (in the name of love) and take a step back and take it slow and see where it goes. I keep telling myself ‘you just met him two days ago. Calm it.’ But it’s hard. The heart wants what it wants. It’s just a jump of emotions that I can’t help. It has been such a long time since I met someone like him. I think it has been over a year. And so I guess I’m excited that for a change I’m dating someone that’s stable and emotionally available? Date number 3 tomorrow and I’m quite looking forward to it. We’ll see where it goes. Time will tell.  He’s 6 years older than me so that makes me a bit uncertain. I have no problem with the age gap. In fact it’s a non-issue but as he is older it makes me wonder if he may have different priorities. I guess the only way is to let yourself go and find out where the road takes you. I hope somewhere romantic. As I said to him, things happen when you least expect it.



  1. I love that photo, so cute. And I´m so excited for you, hope your date goes well.. I know it´s hard to control those emotions, but just stay strong, and keep thinking that you will benefit from it in the long run.
    Kisses kisses!

  2. ♥love your blog♥
