Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I got scared...

If another man ever says to me 'i got scared', I might be tempted to cut his balls up, marinate them in his pool of blood and feed them to the lions. 

Human kind has seen growth over the years. Man has seen none. They are still not reluctant to use the oldest, lamest excuse in the book...'I got scared'.  If you're going to use an excuse, I at least expect a bit of creativity. Maybe they just saw the Sex and the City movie where Big calls of the wedding because he got scared...after 10 years.

'It's not that I don't like you but I don't want to hurt you and give you the wrong impression'. This was his excuse for not messaging or reply to messages. Why can't men just communicate properly. Is that asking too much? This particular guy claimed to have never had a relationship (which I completely believe based on his attitude) and never hooking up. 

There must be something in the water in this town, surely, because he reminds me of my ex, which is why we broke up. A lot of contradiction in what he said and his behaviour.

'If you think I don't want a boyfriend, it's not true.  Sometimes I feel sad that I don't have one'. 
People like you don't deserve one. You'll just use them, abuse them and leave them emotionally tangled in a web they can't get out of. 

If you really want a partner then perhaps you should change your attitude and start giving people a chance and not writing them off after the first date. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Put your penis on a leash and let the mind do the talking for a minute. Maybe you'll find some common ground.

I'm so fed up with men in this town. They behave like children. Maybe that's because most of them still live at home until they are 30-35. Maybe they don't know how to behave like adults since they are still being pampered at home. 

Grow up!


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