Thursday, January 6, 2011

The year of the slut

The thing is even if I were to meet my future husband right now, I wouldn´t be able to handle it, I´d just be pissed off, like; where the fuck have you been???

So new years eve I spent with my dear melocotón, sharing a couple of bottles of wine and cava, summing up the past year. After midnight I headed off to work to serve drinks until the late morning. A lot of our regulars were there and it was just a lot of fun. We were all drinking and dancing...and making out.... Well, that last part would have been yours truly. Since melocotón and I decided 2011 should be the year of random sexual encounters, or at least a lot of kissing of the boys, and I do believe that the way you start off the year sets the karma for the rest of the year, so I ended up making out with one of our regulars. Cute boy with the strongest latino accent, I couldn´t understand a word he was saying to me... But that´s ok, no need to talk sweetheart. Anyway, later on, while zipping on a couple of mojitos I explained to my boss about the upcoming year of sluttiness. He liked the idea, being quite the slut himself, I mean he runs a bar in Barcelona, that´s the way to get laid right there. We ended up making out in the storage room. Now, I can see why some people would consider it harassment if you boss drags you into the storage room and sticks his hand inside your bra. However I don´t think it qualifies as harassment if you actually want him too so... It was fantastic, he´s a very good kisser. (We had a little thing earlier this summer as well so I already knew what I was in for) Ah, older men, I´m such a sucker for them, they´re experienced, confident, knows what they´re doing. Not too old though, my limit is around 15 years older, and they have to take care of themselves properly naturally. No flab por favor!

So that was pretty much my new years. Hope you had a good one as well. I wish you all out there a fantastic 2011 and I hope all your dreams come true this year!

Kisses, Corazón.

1 comment:

  1. For a second, I thought: I need to become a bar owner in Barcelona. Then I realised it would mean pulling older men - or becoming an older man myself!

    Enjoy the year of sluttiness, though. I am sure it can be good.

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