Thursday, June 23, 2011

The perfect kitchen

A wise person once told me that I have this incredible need for freedom. Which is true. I need to be free, whether it comes to my job, my relationships, my living arrangements. The thought of buying a house, knowing that I´m going to live there until I die, makes me panic. I don´t want to know what my life will look like in 10 years, or 20 or 30. I need change and movement. I don´t need safety and comfort, it´s boring and makes me feel like I´m already dead. I thrive on the drama. Sometimes I get tired of it and I feel like I just want a break, and have a calm secure family life with the perfect kitchen, but when I get that or something like it, soon I hate it. It works for a while, and I can appreciate it but then I get bored with it. It´s not who I am. I need to travel and meet new people and be messy. I don´t need a perfect kitchen, there´s no life in a perfect kitchen. I want a job where I can be creative and work on the high that comes with it for 14 hours straight, then go to bed and sleep for 12 hours to get up again and do something completely different, then my soul will be happy. I want to travel, find new places and inspiration, meet new people. I don´t mind having a set point that is my home that I can return to when I need some rest and alone time. But I need to have the option of being able to leave whenever I want to.

Even such simple things as sitting around a dinner table making everyday conversation with your family every night freaks me out. And that seems to be something very important in the average life of your average family. I should proably never have children, I would be a horrible mother, dragging them around the world, making them eat at irregular hours. When grocery shopping becomes the big family event of the week that would be the epidome of misery to me.

So maybe this is why I´m still single. My soul mates (I believe we have more than one person out there that we share a spiritual connection with) are all the same as me. We need to be free, and every time we end up in a relationship we freak out thinking that we´re going to be tied down forever, and is this really the person we want to be tied down to?? So it would make sense that I`m always drawn to the assholes that ends up not answering my phone calls and just disappear from my life mysteriously forever. We´re the same. Whenever I´ve been in a relationship with a sweet average guy who just wants to buy a house and raise a family with me, well the countdown has begun from the very first kiss. I can´t do it, I´m sorry, were just too different, we want different things. I mean the fact that I left the country after my last serious relationship pretty much sums it all up.

Like I´ve said before I would like to meet a perfect someone and get married, I just want that someone to also not want the average life where every week looks the same year after year. Someone who is also restless and need to move or he´ll die. Is there such a someone??

Oh Romeo, Romeo, where the fuck art thou Romeo??

xx Corazon

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I just can't get enough...

How much is too much? BTW, I’m referring to men. How many should you/could you be seeing at the same time? There is no rule really. However many you can manage without over-booking, I would say. Well it seems I’ve got a few in cue.

I arranged for one to sleep over, let’s call him Drew. He would spend the night and cuddle into the wee hours until he would have to go home. A half hour before he was supposed to come over, another acquaintance messaged me. He was being subtle. ‘Hey how are you. I’m going for a beer but can drop by your place and you can tell me all about your trip’. What he really meant was ‘I’ve got half an hour, wanna fuck’? Although I wanted to, the timing was just horrible. I hadn’t seen him in over a month and could use a refresher with this one. But how could I cancel on Drew? I couldn’t. So I said ‘i’m kinda hungover and going to bed’. But he didn’t get the hint and kept persisting. The problem is we’ve both got crazy schedules and work a lot so it’s almost impossible to meet. Oh well. There will be a next time. And hopefully that time I will have a slot open.  

It got me thinking, there are traits I like in both these men. If only I could mesh them together to create the ideal man. Are we too picky? Will we ever find Mr. Right? I guess we should just stick to Mr. Right-NOW.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Over-sexed and under-fucked...

I was recently in Toronto and oh boy oh boy what a contrast it is to Barcelona. If Barcelona screams 'sex', Toronto must scream 'oversexed and under-fucked'.

Maybe it's the city. Maybe it's the fast paced environment of the largest metropolitan city in Canada that leaves little time to think about anything but work. I don't know what it is. People were cold and in need of a good fuck. It must have something to do with the climate. Here in the mediterranean people walk down the street not knowing what could happen. You think you're just going out to get a baguette but suddenly approached by a dark handsom stranger. A hello leads to coffee in the square. Maybe you part ways, maybe you go home alone or maybe you wake up the next day in 400 thread egyptian cotton sheets. Who knows. 

...and then you realize you forgot to call in sick. oops. 
