Sunday, March 20, 2011

I Love Irish Boys

It's been a difficult year of man hunting here in Barcelona. Hard to imagine? You better believe it baby. What about where you live? Where are all the hot men? There's a great old saying that says that the grass is always greener on the other side. So I found myself in the greenest place you can imagine...Ireland...hoping for a little Irish luck. But... So I our journey continues to find the next victim. In the meantime take a few moments to admire these boys from the Irish boy band Boyzone. I'd take them home. All of them. Bon appetite. 


  1. i so love this photo! i think it's the same everywhere about man hunting. at least in my case (although i have one), it gets challenging the older you can because for me, i don't just want some cute boy, i want more than just the cuteness.
