Saturday, August 13, 2011

My Vagina is Depressed!

Or at least it´s feeling a little blue. Maybe it´s because I spent a little too much time in the sun today and my skin has now taken on a darker more painful shade of pink, or maybe it´s simply because it´s the month of august. Tourist season has now reached its peak and the catalans have flewn the city for their summer houses in the mountains or up the coast. Do you not get as much action from the tourists as you do from the natives you now ask yourselves. The answer is no. Why not? Well I´m sure it´s a possibility, it´s not like picking up a drunken vacationing northern European is considered a challenge by yours truly. However, call me crazy but, there´s something I find unappealing about these loud, pale and pasty looking, drunken men in FBI* t-shirts who seem to have checked common sense and manners at the passport control in their home country. What is it about the concept of vacation that somehow indicates it´s fully allowed to behave like a drooling cave man non stop for a week? In fact, the more I think about it, no wonder my vagina is depressed! It´s fucking august! Bring on september and bring home those slutty catalan boys who knows how to get you laid properly, si us plau!

*(Female Body Inspector) I know, it´s funny isn´t it? Genious! Heh heh heheh heheh… ( I don´t know, I can´t get my Beavis and Butthead laugh quite right.)


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