Monday, July 18, 2011

Sex or Companionship

It occurred to me today that when you're going through a dry spell all you're craving is the touch and feel of a man and when that happens the moment is over all too soon. So what next?

What is it that we're looking for? Is it simply just the sex or the companionship of a fruitful something... I quite haven't figured it out yet. Sure the sex is fantastic but when the moment is over don't you just want someone you can continue spending the day with, go for a walk, a movie, just lie around and be lazy with? Surely it shouldn't be so hard to find but then why is it?... so hard. 

Are we simply hopeless?



  1. hahaha ... i think this is a question that baffles many human beings. the sensible answer is probably companionship. but sometimes, we settle for things that we want instant gratification on. we only live once, we can't always wait for the right now. you just gotta do, what you gotta do.

  2. I just want to feel the weight of a man on top of me!
